
About me

I am a Norwegian girl living in Australia. Around a year ago I started on what I thought would be a temporary low-carb diet to shed a few kilos. But after having tried this new way of eating for a few months, not only had I lost a lot of weight, I also felt great!  My energy-levels no longer took a nose-dive three hours after each meal like they used to. And what happend to my insane sugar-cravings that regularly led to me inhaling 200 grams of chocolate or eating half a tub of ice-cream in a go? All gone! And best of all, my mysterious stomach problems settled on the third day of eating low carb, never to return again. My low carb "diet" soon turned into a lifestyle, and now there's no doubt that I'm never going back.

Why am I writing this blog? Low carb, or LCHF (low carb high fat) as we call it back home, is big in Scandinavia. And there are hundreds of people blogging about their lifestyle, sharing receipes and tips around LCHF living. These blogs have been such an inspiration to me and is the sole reason that I have managed to make LCHF eating second nature. I haven't found blogs like this in Australia - yet. So, I thought that perhaps I could inspire some Aussies struggling with their weight the way I myself have become inspired and excited about a low carb lifestyle. A second reason for writing this blog is that it will function as a place for me to keep my favourite receipes: Once I make something really yummy I tend to forget where I've found the receipe, but now I can keep them all in one space.

I hope you enjoy this blog!


  1. Hi.

    I just want to thank for you all this awesome information you are sharing about LCHF on your blog. Can't wait to try out these recipes, very much appreciated.


  2. Thank you for your kind comment, Rob :-) Hope you enjoy the recipes! Are there any particular topics you would like me to blog about?

    1. Hi BK. Any chance I can contact you on email or another way? Wanted to discuss a guest post opportunity! Cheers :)

  3. I joined A Pinch of Health and did 3 weeks on Atkins with all that measuring and weighing - it took so much time! but did lose 2.7K. Then i was ill (not because of Atkins!) so gave it away for a few weeks, then Easter came with its sugar! Needing to lose weight but I didn't want to go back to all the weighing fuss. I looked at Pinch of H for some low carb recipes and seeing your blog had a look.

    I'm going to try this LCHF and see what happens. my 76th birthday is in 2 weeks and I need to lose 12K. I like the sound of cream in my coffee - I like milk but had been trying to have it black - not good!

    By the way, I live in Toowoomba.

    1. Hi Margaret from Toowoomba :)
      Yes, being able to enjoy some cream in the coffee is one of my favourite things about LCHF. When I first started LCHF I felt a bit naughty when adding cream to my foods, after years and years of trying to avoid fat.
      If you are on any medicines, a GP check-up is probably a good idea first. For example blood pressure medicines might need adjusting (by your doctor) after some time on low carb, as the blood pressure tends to go down. Same with diabetes meds, as blood sugar can get dangerously low when cutting carbs and staying on the same doses.
      Good luck, Margaret :)

  4. Thanks BK - I'm not on any medication; all bits are normal though tending to get rusty!

    But got a bit of a shock a few weeks ago as I overdosed on liquourice herb tea (LOVE it!) - ankles swelled up, went to the doc - blood pressure v high - googled licourice -- it can cause high BP! Went 'cold turkey' off it and BP back to normal! My doc said L is a poison, should be banned!

  5. Thanks so much for this blog BK. My hubby and I have just started low carb and I found your blog when I googled best low carb recipe books!

    I have heaps of weight to lose, but am really enjoying low carb eating, I'm finding it much more sustainable long term. However, trying to find ingredients isn't always easy, like coconut flour for example. Plus, I live in a rural area, so that makes it even harder.

    Anyhow, reading your recipes, I'm definitely going to try some, they sound really yummy!

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Xiandra :)

      So glad to hear that you enjoyed finding my blog.
      How do you find low carb eating?
      Yes, it's true that finding things like coconut flour can be hard when you live away from a city. On a daily basis, I don't use these things much. I use almond flour alot, but that's easy to make by just grinding almonds.

      Good luck to you and your hubby :)


  6. Hei Beate! Jag har gett dig en blogg award :)
    Tusen takk for en inspirerande blogg!
    Läs om reglerna här:

  7. I googled LCHF blogs this morning and yours came up, I am new to this type of eating plan and at the moment it's all about weight-loss. I have spent around 30 years ( I am now 62 ) yoyo dieting by keeping everything low fat and counting calories.
    I would love to try some of your recipes but understand I will have to wait until I'm in maintenance. This is week two for me and I am finding it so easy, can't wait until I see all the benefits.
    Saving this blog into my favourites, thanks Maureen

    1. Hi there! Great news that you have discovered the LCHF way of life, and also my blog :)
      Your story sounds very familiar, and I would no doubt have followed your example, had I not been so lucky to come across LCHF at age 30. I'm glad to hear you find the lifestyle easy so far. I did not follow any particular phases of LCHF when I started. The Scandinavian version has not particular phases, except perhaps sticking to a lower amounts of carbs in the beginning (about 20 grams) and perhaps upping it a bit once at goal-weight. I am sure you can use many of my recipes even before you reach goal-weight, but definitely stay away from the desserts and cakes, even though they are LCHF ;-) Don't hesitate to contact me again if I can be of help with some advice!
      I am cheering for you!

  8. new to lc eating, my husband and i are already feeling the benefits after only a week. i havent had time to read right through your blog yet so dont know if youre aware of this wonderful shop i found online yesterday!
    tried your zucchini carbonara last night... yummo! going to try the chocolate mug dessert tonight! cheers. jen =)

    1. Hi Jen,
      I'm so happy the two of you are feeling all the benefits of low carb living already :) Isn't it amazing what a difference it makes! Thanks for the tip about lowcarbcentral, it's such a great aussie page!
      Glad to hear you liked the zucchini carbonara! Hope the chocolate mug dessert turns out nicely as well - see Mia's comment below the recipe about adding some dark chocolate :)

  9. Thank you for such a great site. I have been researching LCHF for the past couple of months whilst recovering from surgery for an injury I did over 18 months ago, which has led to a 15 kg weight gain. Your recipes are everyday meals with easily accessible ingredients that I can serve to the whole family with minimal argument and your friendly informative style of writing is so refreshing!! ��

    1. Happy New Year Cath :)
      Your kind comment really made my day :) I'm glad you found my blog. I hope that you will enjoy this way of eating and that it works for you. Compared to the classical "Eat zero calories per day and exercise like a maniac"-type of weight loss advice out there, LCHF really is the way to go, especially if you should be unable to exercise after surgery etc. This is because when eating the right kind of food the body naturally adjusts the kilojoule intake without feeling hungry. I'm not sure where you are located, but here in Australia LCHF is finally on the way "in", and so many exciting things are happening, so watch this spot! Best of luck in the new year Cath! Let me know how you go :)

  10. just starting out with LCHF.... I am inspired by your recipes that use 'everyday' ingredients.... I will be reading your blog with keen interest..

  11. Hey BK :-)

    your recipes look awesome!! i'm keen to try them out :-)
